Media Language
· Phone Number illustrates the company’s delivery service
· The advert technique being used by ‘Pizza Hut’ is that the pizzas are NEW! This in turn also gives ‘Pizza Hut’ a unique selling point as they have a brand new pizza that no one else has
· The use of bright and powerful colours such as red, yellow, green, white and black are used on the poster. This is used to attract its audience
· ‘SHARWARMA’ is written in large bold yellow typography, with flames and the text is at a slant. The way this has been displayed illustrates that the advert is appealing towards teenagers and young adults as the wording is short, catchy and stylish instead of just solid plain text.
· Fire connotes hot, burning, passion
· Catchphrase- ‘share the good times’ used to show that Pizza Hut is a place where you can share good times with friends and family.
· ‘Pan Pizza’ is a type of pizza served in a pan
· Pizza Hut, a large worldwide pizza company
· This is an advert to persuade its audience to buy and eat there pizza’s
· Hot tasty new pizza
· The fire illustrates that theses pizza’s are hot!, on the other hand it can also represent that these pizza’s are ‘hot’ and that you have to come quickly has many people are already eating them.
· ‘Pizza Hut’ is a mutli-national globalised pizza company and like ‘Coca Cola’ is established world wIde and can be found across the world.
· The target audience are working class
· Through the catchphrase ‘Share the good times’ it demonstrates that the advert is aiming at families and friends. In addition, in the moving text pizza hut advert it shows a family sitting at Pizza hut smiling and eating there pizza together. This illustrates the current family more out going and eating out.
· Meat vs vegetarian- 1. Receptive- they would look at this advert as ‘wow, looks like a new tasty pizza’, with meat/chicken, 2. Negotiable- Have a unbiased view such as looks like a attractive poster and a tasty pizza but would not eat it if vegetarian, 3. Opposition- This response would appose to the advert and protest about how meat and chickens are being killed and how it is wrong to kill animals.
· The advert looks as though it has been designed to reach teenagers and young adults in particular as there is a lot of bright colours and variety of fonts. Also the use of informal words such as ‘SHARWARMA’. On the other hand a formal pizza advert would just have a basic image of the pizzas with simple plain text stating the pizza and the price.
· Passive- would be ‘injected’ with the idea that the pizza is brand new and tasty
Ideology and values
· ‘Come and try our NEW! Pizza
· The pizzas are hot and tasty and have never been done before
· These ‘Pizza’s are ‘hot’ so come quickly because people are eating them
· Working class
· Pizzas are Junk food. This in turn brings in the debate of obesity. Recently proven by the BBC, the UK is the ‘fattest’ place in Europe and is still on the increase. Also a large number of teenagers in the UK are overweight.
· Pizza’s, through past surveys have shown to be one of the most popular foods in UK.
· Pizza Hut was founded in 1958 and is a well established pizza company.
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Other Texts
· Coca Cola
Issues/ Debates
· Advancement in technology
· Obesity
· Meat-eaters vs Vegetarians
· ?